Friday, October 24, 2008

One Person Dialogue

This is the final I turned in during Class 4, my single person dialogue scene. Took me forever to make up my mind on the costume!

Class Three

Here's my updated progress reel for Class 3!

Class Two

Alright need to keep up with this better! :P This is my completed work from Class 2 of Animation Mentor.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Class One

These are all my projects for class one rendered out and put together all nice like. Hurray class 1 complete!

Personality Walk

Same character yet this time we get to apply a sense of character to him. I decided to do a kinda stomp walk, kinda like how a giant or mad kid would walk.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ballie Walks...Forward

Alright this is a biped character we where given to animate a simple walk cycle with. This is the final animation I turned in on Sunday. Also we had a sketch to do, Concerned!


This week, Tailor! A little ball with a tail, this is the advanced overlapping motion that AM is teaching us right now, this is my final project turned in to Mark Pudleiner.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Pendulum

This week was pretty tricky, after doing all these ball tests they give us something completely different. Exciting to get something new though, this is the redone version after critique.

S&S Week

Time for an update, squash and stretch. Had to animate a ball going through an obstacle course, I haven't redone the this one yet from my critque but I'll come back to it soon.

Also had to pose Stu in devastation, Mark really liked what I did here breaking up the pose with the lifted fist. Could have went if a seated pose which was less strong but more reliable of getting a better grade, but then what would I learn from that ;)

Friday, February 1, 2008

Week Four

This is my Heavy and Light ball assignment for week 4. Had a lot of different ideas on how to approach this but I'm keeping it simple, or at least trying to :)

Taste of Class 1

Here's my first animation done at AM, the simple bouncing ball. Had to have the weight and bounce of a basketball. I did this with the second character I received from AM, Simple Ball!

Poses > Regular and Excitement Pose for Class 1

Girl striking a pose for her friends and a very excited Stu (exstued).

Animation Mentor

Well what can I say about Animation Mentor so far, too much and not enough. I just started Animation Mentor the online animation course and am enjoying class 1 very much. Taking this course is the best decision, beside deciding to become an animator, that I have ever made. Stay tuned for more posts and video.
